A downloadable TwinBee


(Konami filled a DMCA complaint on Google Play)

In 2003, Konami Japan released TwinBee on their Konami Net DX, a mobile gaming service.
In 2006, Konami China did the same on their own mobile gaming service.
In 2008, Sina Mobile released the full J2ME version.

These services are no longer available so TwinBee mobile is forever lost.

This unofficial remake reproduces the gameplay of the original game, fixes few bugs, adds an Arcade mode and makes it available not only on mobile!

Be aware that Bee's movements are slow at start, before you get some blue bells, so it could be very frustrating.
This is the default settings on the original game.
You could use a gamepad for a better experience, speed is EXACTLY the same but gameplay feels different.

It took me 2 years to make this port, so I really hope you'll enjoy it!
Be free to report any bug, I'll do my best to fix it.

This port is available on

  • Android (see link to Google Play store below)
  • OSX
  • Linux
  • Windows 


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(1 edit)


So...yeah, I get it, DMCA notice is a huge thing but I have a question.

Is your project forever lost for us, gaming fans, or is there any chance to get my hands on this one, just to try it out?^^

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Oh...I've just found out that you haven't created a java version, only the PC/modern mobile ones. In this case, nevermind, I guess)

Hello, I've been learning Gobot recently and want to remake TwinBee based on that. I found you through the search, unfortunately your work has been taken down. I would like to refer to your work, can you send me an email address for a [Windows] game? 2470917163@qq.com, thank you very much.